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Our Related Work

WKEC is still committed to providing you the same great work that we have been providing, and we are working to enhance that work as we strive to always become better. The work mentioned below enhances and falls within the PBIS / ISF Framework. More information about specific trainings or supports can be found on the Coaching/Training/TA page or within the Training Descriptions document. Further information and resources about certain topics can be found in the following and on the attached pages. 


Social Emotional Learning is an integral piece in the PBIS Framework and in created a true integrated systems of support that all students and staff benefit from. Creating a school environment where students feel safe and learn how to handle hard situations is more critical now than ever. Check out the Social Emotional Learning page for further resources and contact information for your school social-emotional needs. 

PBIS is a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). MTSS is a framework that helps educators provide academic and behavioral and social-emotional strategies for students with various needs. It is the big umbrella that PBIS as well as academic response to interventions (RTI) fall under. More information, resources, and contact information regarding support for your district can be found on the MTSS page. 

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Becoming trauma-informed should be an essential component of the overall mission of the education system. A trauma-informed school recognizes that trauma affects staff, students, families, communities, and systems. Schools that implement PBIS with fidelity also incorporate trauma-informed care into their daily plans and expectations. To find out more information regarding trauma-informed care and to gain access to resources and supports, visit the Trauma-Informed Care page.

Being an effective educator begins with having the skills and strategies to take care of your own personal wellness and to create a system within your school and district to do the same. Supporting staff wellness and behavior is also a necessary component of having an effective PBIS framework. More resources, supports, and professional developments around wellness and self-care for both staff and students can be found on the Wellness page.

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Image by Lina Trochez

Unfortunately, crises still happens within our schools or to our students from time to time, whether it is from a natural disaster or a traumatic event. WKEC has a Crisis Response and Recovery Team that will be in contact with districts if a crisis occurs to provide immediate support. The Crisis Recovery page is also a place for districts, schools, and teachers to find resources and support as they move forward from whatever hardship they are facing.  

© 2023 by WKEC PBIS RIT.

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