The WKEC PBIS Cohort takes school districts through a systematic process to ensure the district is trained appropriately, starting from the top (district level to school level). The ultimate goal is to build capacity and sustainability to maintain fidelity at the district and school levels, regardless of what personnel changes.
The WKEC PBIS Cohort process goes through a full training scope and sequence based on implementation science. This process is individualized based on district/school needs and typically occurs over the course of 3 years, or until trainings are complete.
General Cohort Resources can be found below.
General Cohort Resources
Interested in joining a cohort? Have your principal or district lead reach out to the WKEC PBIS Team!
Already a part of the WKEC PBIS/ISF Cohort Process? Check out the updated WKEC Cohort Page for specific information, resources, and materials for your cohort!